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"Falco taught me the sea and Cousteau taught me how to film it"

Didier Noirot has been practicing scuba diving since 1976 and has dived in practically all the seas of the world. After 44 years of experience, he delivers at conferences, the story of his adventures, explains how he calculates the risks involved in filming the largest sharks or crocodiles ...
Extraordinary stories from the North Pole to the South Pole ...

Main conferences:

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Royal Geographical Society in London - Conference on life aboard the Calypso. March 2018
National Museum of Natural History - The days of the sea January 2018
National Museum of Natural History - The days of the sea January 2019
Cine 17 in Geneva - Private conference for the Generali Group June 2019
National Museum of Natural History - Oceans Day June 2019



Underwater Cinematographer


"I would like to thank you for coming to London and joining us for a very special Dive Lecture 2018. What a night, it exceeded any lectures I have attended and I am proud to have been a part of the team that make it happen.
Your presentation was wonderful, your stage manor was perfect and your videos are exceptional. Very cool and I am excited for the next ".

Vicky Brown - Marketing & Communications London Diving Chamber

"It is a rare day that a Rosbif has to say to our Gallic cousins, that truly you were the finest and funniest speaker we have had in many years of the Dive Lectures.
A shame we had a cut off time at the end, as I am sure we could have listened to you all night !! "



Conference at the Royal Automobile Club in London

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


"Dear Didier
I just wanted to thank you for the great presentation you gave our audience at the RAC last night. I have received
many complimentary emails today, extolling your skills and one chap reminiscing about watching a film you made
about sharks some? 15 20 years ago ".

Sally Fish Chair - Sub Aqua RAC

"I would like to say thank you for a fascinating talk and sharing those short films with us I am sure many people have said this to you before but they were breathtakingly beautiful to watch".

Adrienne kerley



Underwater Cinematographer

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© 2020 by Didier NOIROT - - Subimagery Productions

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